Melodic Mindfulness With Augustus

Melodic Mindfulness is a an opportunity to check in with self and intentionally shift energy to a space where we can experience increased peace within ourselves, our neighbors and our surroundings.
Documented benefits of including mindfulness practices in the workplace are:
  • 28% reduction in stress levels among employees practicing mindfulness.
  • 20% improvement in focus
  • 19% increase in overall wellbeing
  • 23% increase in decision-making abilities
  • 17% boost in productivity. These practices also lead to enhanced creativity, better communication, and improved employee satisfaction.
How is Melodic Mindfulness With Augustus preformed?
During a 20-40 minute session, we create a space for ourselves. We breathe. We stretch. We embrace the music. We let go. We set a personal intention. We walk away with an intention to bring our elevated energy into our personal and professional space.
Who is Augustus?
Augustus is a multimedia artist who spent his formative years as a minister  and hospice community education professional. Connecting in depth with nature, therapist, social workers, chaplains, musicians and studying mindful practices helped him to develop Melodic Mindfulness into an experience that encourages others to take a few moments a day for mindfulness. 


How can we connect?
Let’s start the conversation today. A few moments of mindfulness will make a life time of difference. Each space and staff is unique and each Melodic Mindfulness session is unique. Contact us below to plan your session.
Augustus 803-420-0005
*Leave a detailed message 
Peace. Love. Prosperity. -Augustus

Audio created by Augustus: